Happy Halloween

Since today is Halloween I thought I’d share my halloween-inspired designs. They are all avalable on a range of products in my Zazzle shop. While it may be too late to get any spooky gear, it’s never too early to start planning for next year!

You may remember my orange Boo! design (far left) which won a Todays Best Award over at Zazzle. A few days later the Boo! design with orange details (far right) also won a TBA. I simply couldn’t believe it and am still excited!

Boo spider web halloween

Boo! It’s Halloween!!

How cute is this scared little ghost?!  I’d probably be afraid too if I had so many bats flying around me 🙂

ghost bats pumpkin halloween

Ghost & Bats Halloween Design

This design combines my love of yarn with my favorite holiday. If all pumpkins were made out of yarn I’d have to invest in my own pumpkin patch! They’d be pretty hard to carve though…

scared cat pumpkin yarn halloween yarn-o-ween

Happy Yarn-O-Ween!

Since not everyone likes yarn as much as me, I made another version of my Yarn-O-Ween design. Same old cat, just a different pumpkin!

scared black cat pumpkin happy halloween

This Scared Cat Wishes You The Happiest Halloween!

I’ve always been a huge fan of Halloween, so it was a ton of fun coming up with all these designs. I can’t wait until next year to make more!! Happy Halloween!

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