Clutter Eating Monsters – Free Crochet Pattern

UPDATE 11/17/2016: It was brought to my attention that there was an error in the pattern on round 12. It should be R12: 17dc, (dc dec, 4dc) x 3, 13dc (45 sts). I have updated the PDF file to reflect the change.

FEEEEEED MEEEE!! This little monster loves to eat plastic bags and other household odds and ends!

This guy wants to eat clutter!!

After I made my pup her dog wallet, I had to do something about the plastic shopping bags in the kitchen. They were getting out of control, and shoving them all inside another plastic bag just wasn’t cutting it. I knew the bag holder would have to visibly hang in our kitchen, so I wanted to make something cute. I ended up with this charming crochet monstrosity who just happens to have an appetite for bags!

blue crochet clutter eating monster plastic bags

MMmmMM!! Lunch bags!!!

Of course by the time I sat down to write this post there wasn’t a plastic bag in sight for the little guy to munch on. Between keeping the dog wallet stocked and making a conscious effort to remember our reusable grocery bags, the collection had long since been depleted. Plastic shopping bags are terrible for the environment anyway, so this monster has adapted to eating all sorts of miscellaneous household items instead!

He proved to be so useful that I made him a monsterette…

crochet purple clutter plastic bag eating monster

Purple Monsterette

…and baby monster to hang out with!

green crochet clutter plastic bag eating monster

I’m the baby…gotta feed me!

They love eating everything from hand towels to kitchen clutter – just don’t ask them to eat their vegetables! I personally think a giant monster would make a fabulous clothes hamper 🙂

Have some clutter of your own that needs to be eaten? Make your own Bag Eating Monster with my free PDF pattern. This pattern is for personal use only and may not be sold, reprinted, or copied in any way without my express permission. If you decide to sell something you make from one of my patterns, I ask that you give credit to me as the pattern designer. I also ask that you include a link back to the free pattern, so that others may have the opportunity to make the item themselves.

crochet plastic bag clutter eating monsters

Beware: They multiply…quickly!!

I’ve added this as a free pattern on Ravelry as well. If you’ve got a camera and a minute, pretty please upload your monster pictures. I’d really love to see the finished projects! Good luck with your own little monster(s)!

Can’t get enough of these cute monsters? Check out my Colorful Cartoon Monsters design – inspired by the creatures lurking around on the Clutter Eating Monsters PDF pattern 🙂

5 thoughts on “Clutter Eating Monsters – Free Crochet Pattern

  1. These are so cute! I have one question: when R11 goes from 48 sts to 45 sts in R12, do I need to continue working in rounds or should I start doing rows? I wasn’t sure if I will be sewing the whole back shut once it’s finished or if I missed a step. I hope that makes sense!
    Thank you,

    • Hi Callie,
      Thanks for your interest in my pattern 🙂 The whole monster is worked in rounds with out turning – even the mouth opening. So you will continue to slip stitch and chain 2 at the end of each round and sew the very bottom shut after you fasten off. I hate hiding in ends so I made the body one piece for less work! I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any more questions or if its still unclear. Good luck on your monster!!

      • Hey again, Jess,

        Now I see what was tripping me up. R12 should have (dc dec, 4 dc) instead of (dc, 4 dc), correct? I’m sure this is obvious to everybody else, but I’m the world’s slowest pattern reader!

        I’ll post a picture of my first monster when I’m done. I’m planning to make a bunch for Christmas gifts for all my plastic-bag-saving family members 🙂

        I just can’t decide which eyes to do first!

        Thanks again for sharing your pattern.

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